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AIC (Annual Inspection Certificate)

Assistance in navigating the AIC website: (


In order to access or create your new AIC Account, you must use Google Chrome (Version 51 or greater), Apple Safari (version 9.1.1 or greater), or Mozilla Firefox (Version 46 or greater). 


How to Create an AIC Account (For New Users)


  Navigate to or Click this link


  Create New Account by clicking on the 'Create New Account' button. Enter your email address and click the 'Submit' button. Please note: you will receive important information about the inspection process at this email address. You will receive an automated message. If you have not received after 15 minutes, please check your spam.

  Begin Account Set Up by clicking on the link sent via email. 

  Create New User Access by following the on-screen instructions. Please note: the contact information you enter here will be listed on the building for other AIC participants to see. 


  Add Building: Click the 'Add My Building' button. Verification PIN: Enter you unique verification PIN originally assigned into the corresponding field and click the 'Lookup' button.  Please note this PIN is unique to the AIC Program, and NOT your Cook County Property Identification Number.  If you do not have your AIC PIN, please contact the AIC via email to request it. NOTE: You will need your unique verification PIN assigned by AIC to add devices, assign inspections, print certificates, pay fees, cancel inspections and request extensions (fees apply), un-assign inspections, and/or abandon devices. 

  Select Relationship: Once building information is verified, select your relationship to the building from the drop down menu and click the 'Confirm' button. Note: do not check 'Owner' unless you legally own the building.

  Inventory/Claim Devices: Once at your building's device list, you must claim any and all existing devices which you are responsible for before you can assign them for inspection or pay fees. Please use the 'Select an Action' dropdown menu to 'Claim your Device'.

  Assign Inspection: Navigate to the drop down menu and ''Assign Inspection', a list of inspection companies will open, scroll down to Elevator Inspection Services and click on 'Assign'

For Registered Users


To assign your conveyances:

  Navigate to and bookmark or click on this link

  Review Information: The address of the building, as well as any other AIC participants who are located at the same building will appear. Please review the information to make sure you are linking to the correct building.

  Assign Inspection: Select building requiring inspection. If you do not see your building and need to add the building to your account, return to the AIC homepage and click on the 'Add My Building' button. After updating your account with the added property, select the building. After building is selected, the conveyance inventory list will appear. Check the conveyance requiring inspection and select 'Assign Inspection'. Note: if you have multiple conveyances, please check all conveyances requiring inspection and then use the drop down menu (upper left) and select action 'Assign Inspection.' A list of inspection companies will open, scroll down to Elevator Inspection Services and click on 'Assign Inspection'

  Please confirm you are contracted with Elevator Inspection Services prior to assigning inspection.

AFTER your inspection is complete, EIS will notify the city and you will be able to pay & print your current certificates online.

IF your inspection year is outside of the required timeframe (the inspection due date has passed), please contact EIS. EIS will have to call the city to have your charges put in your cart. (Do not assign it to us if that is the case) you will be able to assign it to EIS after you pay your charges and your account becomes current.





PIN, Reference Numbers and any General Questions, please email: AIC.AIC@CITYOFCHICAGO.ORG



More Helpful Information

AIC Program Overview


AIC Inspection Checklists

AIC General Elevator Information

AIC Account and Building Management Guide

AIC Device and Inspection Management Guide





We sincerely thank you for choosing EIS!

Click on the 'HELP' button for additional information and FAQs

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