Elevator Inspection Service Co, LLC
Your Safety is Always our Top Priority! Since 1976
Proud to be the Exclusive Inspection Company in the Chicagoland area for
Frequently Asked Questions
What is QEI?
QEI (Qualified Elevator Inspection) is a certification attained having met the experience and education requirements of the National Association of Elevator Safety Authorities (NAESA) and American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). All EIS inspectors are QEI certified and licensed by the State of Illinois. Additionally, our inspectors annually complete continuing education programs.
How do I register my conveyance?
Complete the Illinois State Fire Marshal Application for Registration of Conveyance
EIS has inspected my elevator, now what should I do?
Obtain a Certificate of Operation by submitting the completed Annual Application for Certificate of Operation with a copy of the EIS Inspection Report indicating your conveyance has PASSED inspection.
How can I get a Office of the State Fire Marshall 60 day extension?
Request an OSFM Certificate of Operation Extension details and form
How do I decommission a conveyance (e.g. permanently shut down an elevator)?
Contact EIS. We will assist you in the process to ensure municipality and ADA requirements are satisfied. Specific procedures can be found on the Illinois Office of the State Fire Marshal Installation Placed Out of Service' form.
News You Need
Important Links
National Association of Elevator Safety Authorities (NAESA)
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Illinois State Fire Marshal - Elevator Safety Division
OSFM - Accident/Incident Report
OSFM - Frequently Asked Questions
Illinois Elevator Safety and Regulation Act
International Code Council (ICC)